Falmouth Skeet Club
Cape Cod, Massachussetts
Buy, Trade or Sell
This section is to help members advertise within the club any Skeet related activity items that they may be looking for or wanting to sell or trade.
If interested in any items listed, send email directly to the listing member including item number and information where you can be reached.
If interested in placing an item on the list, send an email to the club mailbox including the description and also send photo of item plus whether you want to trade it or sell it.
The club hereby only provides a mechanism for members to list items, but all transactions are to be completed solely between the two interested parties. The club reserves the right to list or not list any items and will list them only for a fixed period of time, with no obligation or warranty to any party. The club assumes no liability for any transaction from the "Buy, Trade or Sell" section.